Content Repositories

A Content Repository is a separate space with an individual set of documents, assets, users, etc. You can create as many repositories as you like. Usually one per project.

All of your repositories are listed on the dashboard page. From there you can quickly switch between different projects.

A user can see any repository in his dashboard he's associated with. He will not be able to see repositories he's not assigned to as collaborator.

Creating a Repository

Content repositories can be created from the dashboard page by clicking the 'Create New Repository' Button. Follow the provided steps on the next pages to complete the information for your new repository.

You can choose different plans for a repository, depending how much users, languages or performance you need. Take look at the pricing page or contact us to get help choosing the right plan.

Deleting a Repository

A repository can be deleted by navigating to the 'Settings' Page. You'll find a 'Delete Repository'-Button in the 'General' Section.

Deleting a repository will automatically cancel a paid subscription


The person who creates a repository will be assigned to the user role Owner. This role has all permissions and can invite other users like Administrators or Developers.

A repository owner can not be removed from a project. Contact support if you need an owner transfer.

Only the repository owner can provide payment details and make changes to the plan subscription.

Last updated