
Uploading Assets

To make assets available for documents, you can upload them on several places on the web platform.

Use the 'Upload-Asset'-Button on the top right corner of the webapp to access the upload dialog at any time.

Or upload an asset at time you want to link it in a document and select if from the list after the upload has finished:

Managing and Editing Assets

A list of all uploaded assets is available on the Assets page.


Assets are quite similar to documents and have pre-defined fields:


Assets can be published or unpublished manually or automatically, just like documents. That means, that event if an asset is linked in a published document, it will not be available by API until its state is Published.

Deleting Assets

To delete an asset you can do this by either (1) choosing it from any collection or the 'All Documents' View by selecting the corresponding checkbox and clicking the 'Trashcan'-Button. Or (2) while in the single view, open the 'Save'-Buttons context menu on the sidebar and click 'Move to Archive'.

Last updated